


Dogodol® is a complementary feed for dogs and cats indicated for a neuroprotective action.

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  • Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA) – from a chemical point of view, PEA is the amide of palmitic acid with ethanolamine. It is an endogenous molecule that is particularly abundant in brain tissues. It is also present in many foods such as soy, tomatoes, eggs, peanuts, peas, etc. PEA is synthesized at the endogenous level, following stimuli capable of evoking an immune response; several studies have shown how endogenous levels of PEA can be altered following inflammatory processes. PEA is known for its antioxidant properties; at the cellular level this can translate into a neuroprotective effect.
  • Unsaponifiable fraction of avocado and soy – avocado oil and soybean oil, like all oils, consist of a predominant component called “saponifiable fraction” consisting of triglycerides, diglycerides and monoglycerides and a component called “unsaponifiable fraction” consisting of a series of secondary compounds.
    The unsaponifiable fraction of an oil is the chemical component which, in contact with caustic soda, does not react, therefore remaining in solution. It is rich in different chemical constituents which vary according to the type of oil. In Avocado oil it represents about 2-12% of the oil and is mainly made up of phytosterols, terpenic alcohols, avocatins, volatile acids and fat-soluble vitamins, including vitamin E; in soybean oil it represents about 2% of the oil and consists mainly of soy lecithin and phytosterols. The set of these two fractions constitutes the ingredient ASU-Avovida® which has been the subject of several studies that have highlighted the health effects at both joint and muscle level, in particular they have highlighted a chondroprotective action, which seems to be associated with an increase in collagen synthesis in joint chondrocytes mainly due to phytosterols (Beta-Sitosterol, Beta-Sitosterologlucoside, Stigmasterol, Capesterol) which are among the major components of ASU-Avovida®.
  • Spirea ulmaria – it is a perennial herbaceous plant belonging to the Rosaceae family. It grows spontaneously in humid mountainous and hilly areas, especially along watercourses. The flowering tops of this plant are mainly used, which are harvested in June-July, when flowering begins. At the beginning of the 19th century, salicylic acid was isolated for the first time from Spirea ulmaria, a precursor of the well-known “aspirin” produced synthetically and whose name derives from this plant.
    Phytochemical analyzes have shown that the “Filipendula” species are particularly rich in polyphenols, including flavonoic glycosides and ellagitannins. In vitro studies have shown that the polyphenols of Spirea Ulmaria have antioxidant properties and are also able to inhibit the synthesis of various mediators of the immune response, such as eg. prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) and thromboxane B2 (TXB2).
  • Phytosterols – phytosterols are plant sterols particularly abundant in vegetable oils, nuts, legumes, seeds, cereals, fresh fruit and vegetables. From a chemical point of view they are similar to cholesterol and therefore, by mimicking its structure, due to steric hindrance, they can reduce its absorption in the intestine by controlling its plasma levels. In the last 15 years, several studies have highlighted further equally important properties of phytosterols including a certain immunological activity. Their activity at the immune level seems to be mainly at the level of specific lymphocytes, or helper T lymphocytes (TH1 and TH2), helping to maintain normal functioning and therefore supporting specific immunity.
  • Boswellia serrata Roxb. ex Colebr.: – olibanum extract: Boswellia serrata is a moderately to large branched tree of the Burseraceae family. It grows in arid mountainous areas of India, North Africa and the Middle East. The drug, or the part of the plant used, is the gum-oily resin that is taken by incision made on the trunk of the tree and which is then stored in a bamboo basket specially made to remove the oil and solidify the resin. Boswellia oleo-gum-resins contain about 30-60% of resin, 5-10% of essential oils and the rest is made up of polysaccharides. The resinous part of Boswellia serrata consists mainly of mono, di and triterpenes and pentacyclic triterpene acids such as β-boswellic acid, acetyl-β-boswellic acid, 11-keto-β-boswellic acid and acetyl-11-keto- β-boswellic. Studies in vitro and on animal models have shown that boswellic acids intervene by inhibiting the synthesis of some immune response mediators such as the 5-lipoxygenase enzyme and leukotrienes which promote free radical damage.
  • Olea europaea L . – olive tree extract: The olive tree (Olea europea L.) is a fruit tree grown in many parts of the world, but the Mediterranean region is the main production area. The main product obtained from the olive tree is the oil extracted from the fruits, a fleshy ellipsoidal or ovoid drupe formed by a pulp that contains the oil and a woody and wrinkled stone. Olive oil is widely studied for its antioxidant power due to the large number of phenolic components. However, it is above all the olive leaves that contain the greatest quantity of these substances.
    Phenolic compounds are products of the secondary metabolism of plants. In the case of the olive tree, they are a consequence of the reactivity to the attack of the pathogens and the response to the injuries of the insects. Five groups of phenolic compounds have been identified in the olive tree: oleuropeosides (oleuropein and verbascoside); flavones (luteolin-7-glucoside, apigenin-7-glucoside, diosmetina-7-glucoside, luteolin and diosmetina); flavonols (rutin); flavan-3-oils (catechin) and phenolic derivatives (tyrosol, hydroxytyrosol, vanillin, vanillic acid and caffeic acid). Phenolic compounds are known for their antioxidant properties or neutralizing free radicals. Free radicals are products that are generated by physiological chemical reactions that use oxygen and are highly reactive chemical species. When there is an excess production of these substances, oxidative damage can occur at the cellular level. This cellular damage is related to the increased risk of developing chronic diseases, therefore the intake of substances with antioxidant action is assumed to be useful to minimize oxidative damage.
  • Vitamin C – is a water-soluble vitamin and is an essential ingredient, as it is not synthesized independently by different mammals. It is mainly found in foods of plant origin such as some fresh sour fruits (citrus fruits, pineapple, strawberries, cherries, etc.), fresh vegetables (lettuce, radicchio, spinach, etc.), fresh vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, tomatoes , peppers etc …) and tubers (potatoes). It is a powerful antioxidant and cofactor for a family of biosynthetic and gene-regulating enzymes. Vitamin C contributes to immune defense by supporting various cellular functions of both the innate and adaptive immune systems. It plays an important role as an epithelial barrier against pathogens and promotes the scavenging activity of the skin against oxygen radicals, thus potentially protecting against environmental oxidative stress. Vitamin C accumulates in phagocytic cells such as neutrophils and can enhance chemotaxis, phagocytosis and the generation of reactive oxygen species and ultimately microbial killing. It also intervenes in the mechanism of cellular apoptosis and in the elimination of exhausted neutrophils from the sites of infection by macrophages, thus reducing necrosis and potential tissue damage. The role of vitamin C at the level of specific or so-called adaptive immunity cells is less clear, but some studies have shown that vitamin C improves the differentiation and proliferation of B and T cells (specific immunity cells), probably a due to its gene regulatory effects. Vitamin C deficiencies can lead to reduced immunity. Supplementing with vitamin C can therefore be particularly indicated as a support to immune functions.


Palmitoylethanolamide is a disease-modifying agent in peripheral neuropathy: pain relief and neuroprotection share a PPAR-alpha-mediated mechanism. Mediators Inflamm. 2013;2013:328797. -Di Cesare Mannelli L, D’Agostino G, Pacini A, Russo R, Zanardelli M, Ghelardini C, Caligna¬no A.

Neuroprotective activities of pal¬157 mitoylethanolamide in an animal model of Parkinson’s disease. PLoS One. 2012;7(8):e41880.
Esposito E, Impellizzeri D, Mazzon E, Paterniti I, Cuzzocrea S.

Molecular evidence for the involvement of PPAR-δ and PPAR-γ in anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective ac¬tivities of palmitoylethanolamide after spinal cord trauma. J Neuroinflammation; 2013;10(1):20.
Paterniti I, Impellizzeri D, Crupi R, Morabito R, Campolo M, Esposito E, Cuzzocrea S.

Palmitoylethanolamide controls reactive gliosis and exerts neuroprotective functions in a rat model of Alzheimer’s disease.
C Scuderi, C Stecca, M Valenza, P Ratano, MR Bronzuoli, S Bartoli, L Steardo, E Pompili, L Fumagalli, P Campolongo and L Steardo

Symptoms modifying effect of avocado/soybean unsaponifiables (ASU) in knee osteoarthritis. A double blind, prospective, placebo-controlled study. Scand J Rheumatol 2001;30(4):242-247.
Appelboom, T., Schuermans, J., Verbruggen, G., Henrotin, Y., and Reginster, J. Y.

The possible “chondroprotective” effect of the unsaponifiable constituents of avocado and soya in vivo. Drugs Exp.Clin.Res. 1998;24(1):41-50.
Khayyal, M. T. and el Ghazaly, M. A.

Avocado soybean unsaponifiables (ASU) suppress TNF-alpha, IL-1beta, COX-2, iNOS gene expression, and prostaglandin E2 and nitric oxide production in articular chondrocytes and monocyte/macrophages
R Y Au , T K Al-Talib, A Y Au, P V Phan, C G Frondoza

Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and gastroprotective activity of Filipendula ulmaria (L.) Maxim. and Filipendula vulgaris Moench
Stevan Samardžić, Jelena Arsenijević, Dragana Božić, Marina Milenković, Vele Tešević, Zoran Maksimović

Plant Sterols and Sterolins: A Review of Their Immune-Modulating Properties
Patrick J.D. Bouic, PhD and Johan H. Lamprecht, MD

Boswellia Serrata, A Potential Antiinflammatory Agent: An Overview M. Z. SIDDIQUI*
Processing and Product Development Division, Indian Institute of Natural Resins and Gums, Namkum, Ranchi-834 010, India

Polyphenols benefits of olive leaf (Olea europaea L) to human health
Patricia Vogel, Isabel Kasper Machado, Juliano Garavaglia, Valdeni Terezinha Zani, Daiana de Souza and Simone Morelo Dal Bosco.

Vitamin C and Immune Function
Anitra C Carr, Silvia Maggini

The role of vitamin C in the treatment of pain: new insights
Anitra C Carr, Cate McCall


Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA) 16%, maltodextrin, calcium carbonate, hydrolyzed animal proteins (from chicken), unsaponifiable fraction of avocado and soy (ASU-Avovida®) 6%, products obtained from the transformation of herbs: (Spirea ulmaria L. * powder) 4%, phytosterols * 3%, magnesium stearate.


Additives per kg

Technological additives: microcrystalline cellulose, precipitated silicic acid and dried; flavoring: Boswellia serrata Roxb. ex Colebr .: Olibanum extract * 50,000 mg, Olea europaea L .: olive tree extract 50,000 mg, vitamins, pro-vitamins and chemically well-defined substances with similar effect: vitamin C (20,000 mg)


Characterizing ingredients 1 tablet
Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA)160 mg
Unsaponifiable fraction of avocado and soy (ASU-Avovida®)60 mg
Spirea ulmaria powder40 mg
Phytosterols30 mg
Boswellia serrata Roxb. ex Colebr .: Olibanum extract500 mg
Olea europaea L .: olive tree extract500 mg
Vitamin C200 mg
Tablet 1000 mg
Cat½ tablet per day
Dogs less than 10 kg1 tablet per day
Dogs from 10-20 kg2 tablets per day
Dogs from 20-30 kg3 tablets per day
Dogs from 30-40 kg4 tablets per day
Dogs over 40 kg5 tablets per day



45 tablets


Instructions for use:

Mix in the daily ration of the animal’s food or directly in the mouth, based on the weight for about 7-10 consecutive days. Repeat if necessary for another 10 days and continue until needed.

FAQ - frequently asked questions

What is the palmitoiletanolamide (PEA) that we use in dogodol?

PEA is a physiological substance normally produced by many cells of our body. In particular, it is found in very high concentrations in brain tissues. It is also present in many foods such as soy, tomatoes, eggs, peanuts, peas etc …
It was identified as an active ingredient in 1957. The Italian Nobel Prize-winning researcher Rita Levi Montalcini interpreted its mechanism of action in 1993.
Within the body, PEA is an endogenous factor that is produced as needed and functions as a biological modulator of chronic pain of various types linked to the activation of inflammatory and painful processes in particular cells of the body.
Several studies have shown how endogenous levels of PEA can be altered following inflammatory processes.

The integration with Dogodol complementary feed, which contains PEA, therefore allows the correct physiological reserves of this substance to be reintegrated in the body, which can be altered in particular situations.

Who is the product suitable for?

DOGOdol® is indicated for dogs and cats that need a neuroprotective action.

What does it mean: useful for a neuroprotective action?

Neuroprotection is a strategy that aims to maintain the functionality of neuronal cells. More and more studies show that oxidative stress causes neurological changes. In particular, at the peripheral level, the changes that occur following damage to the afferents concern the sensitization of the nociceptive system from which the characteristic symptoms of neuropathic pain derive. An integration with substances with antioxidant action can be useful for a neuroprotective effect.

Can DOGOdol® be given after surgery (caesarean for example)?

Yes, thanks to the active ingredients contained within it, in particular: PEA – international research, has defined the profile of lipid bioregulators, afferent to the class of endocannabinoids, capable of enhancing, when administered exogenously, the body’s natural defense regulation mechanisms. Boswellia, Spirea and Vitamin C – in literature its known anti-haemorrhagic action is useful after surgery.
There are no contraindications to its use after surgery.

Can I administer DOGOdol® together with DOGOmaxy or DOGOmini?

DOGOdol® can be usefully administered together with DOGOmaxy or DOGOmini. In this way the effect of the product is enhanced. There are no contraindications.

In case of need, can DOGOdol® be administered without breaks?

DOGOdol® can be administered without interruption. It should only be suspended if intestinal disorders occur. This can happen, for DOGOdol® but also for other products, due to individual intolerance towards some component.

Can DOGOdol® be useful in older dogs as a prevention of their neurological system for their cognitive functions?

DOGOdol® is rich in antioxidant substances (Boswellia, Spirea, Olea europaea) which have a protective function towards the neurological system by counteracting the harmful action of free radicals. The administration of DOGOdol® in elderly dogs suffering from pain of various kinds certainly has a beneficial effect on the neurological system which should be considered a positive additional action. However, this additional action should not be referred to as a product specific action.

Can DOGOdol® be used in pregnancy?

Pregnancy is a very special time and before using any product it is advisable to consult your veterinarian. The veterinarian who follows the pregnancy of your female will be able to evaluate the possibility of the assumption of the product.

Accidental ingestion of whole product packaging

We remind you that it is good practice to keep the unopened package away from the reach of children and animals, as indicated in the warnings on labels and boxes. The greatest risk in the event that a dog ingests the entire contents of the package is that it may in a hurry swallow pieces of plastic, much more harmful than the active ingredients contained in the product. However, given the variability of the subject with respect to body weight, breed and age, the advice we would like to give is to consult your veterinarian who will be able to assess the situation from time to time by knowing the dog thoroughly.

Are Dogoteka products safe for my dog or cat?

We remind that in all our complementary feeds the active ingredients used in composition and additives are appropriately dosed to ensure a beneficial effect on the animal, do not cause side effects or any toxicity. They follow the EUROPEAN guidelines of the Feed Material Register which lists all natural products allowed in the animal field.
It is therefore advisable to follow the recommended daily portions.

What is the difference between DOGOmaxy®, DOGOmini® and DOGOdol®?

DOGOmaxy® is a dietary complementary feed in tablets for large dogs useful for supporting joint metabolism in case of osteoarthritis therefore it is especially indicated in dogs that have this particular pathology; however, by supporting the osteoarticular function of the tendons and ligaments it can also result useful in dogs subjected to physical exertion or intense work.
This is also thanks to the innovative blend inside ProTriXan consisting of a combination of garcinia mangostana, turmeric and garcinia cambogia, active ingredients known for their powerful antioxidant properties and for their beneficial effects on the joints.
DOGOmaxy® is also useful in all breeds predisposed to developing osteoarticular dysfunctions that cause inflammation and pain in the joints involved. In these cases, the association with DOGODOL immediately relieves the painful component and performs a complementary and synergistic action, exponentially increasing the beneficial effects of the two products.
DOGOdol® is a complementary feed for dogs and cats indicated for a neuroprotective action, therefore suitable for any type of dog, of any age group or breed.
Neuroprotection is a strategy that aims to maintain the functionality of neuronal cells subjected to continuous oxidative stress, for this reason an integration with antioxidant substances can be very useful.
Also suitable after surgery or caesarean section.
It is important to underline that in particularly serious or difficult cases these 2 complementary feeds (DOGOdol® + DOGOmaxy®) work very well if proposed together to the animal, as their action is complementary and synergistic.The effect of both is therefore enhanced, if proposed simultaneously.

What if I have a specific question about my pet and I need personal advise?

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